Installation instructions for store admins

Configuration Page:

Welcome to the configuration page for your AI chat assistant! Here, you can customize various settings to tailor the assistant to your specific needs.

Steps to Configure:

Select Store Type

Choose the type of store your assistant will be assisting with. This helps personalize the responses and recommendations it provides to users.


Define Personal Shopper Profession

Name the profession of your personal shopper assistant.


Give expert description

Provide a brief description of its role and capabilities. This step is essential for chat bot to understand the purpose of the assistant.


Clear Form Content

If you need to start over or clear the contents of the form, simply click the reset button.


Submit Your Configuration

Once you've selected the store type and defined the personal shopper profession, click the submit button to save your settings.

Submit Your Configuration

Avail Help

If you’re stuck, click the help button to be redirected to a help page where you can get help setting up the bot.

AI Knowledge base

Upload custom PDF documents (up to 5MB) to enhance AI learning. This feature allows you to teach the AI by providing specific content, ensuring more accurate and relevant responses tailored to your unique requirements.

Uploading Document:

Click on the file upload area or drag and drop a file there.

Click on the file upload area or drag and drop a file there.

Select a pdf file to upload. The AI bot will learn from it.

Select a pdf file to upload. The AI bot will learn from it.

File has been selected.

File has been selected.


If selected the wrong file, click on the delete icon to remove that

(Optional) (Optional)

Click on the upload button.

Click on the upload button.

The file will start uploading. Please wait as the AI bot will learn the file contents as well which can take a few minutes depending on the file size and text in it.

The file will start uploading. Please wait as the AI bot will learn the file contents as well which can take a few minutes depending on the file size and text in it.

The file has been uploaded successfully and the AI bot has finished learning.

The file has been uploaded successfully and the AI bot has finished learning.

Toggling custom documents

Disabling a certain document, such that the AI bot does not use its contents to answer to questions.


Simply press the toggle button of that file.


Hover over the (i) icon for quick info about this feature.

Hover over the (i) icon for quick info about this feature.

Avatar page

Avatar page is the source of tweaking the chat bot assistant to your own needs! You can freely customize the avatar icons, position, enable/disable notification sounds and add predefined questions.

Configuring avatar icon
1. Full Size Avatar

Select chat floater type (Full size avatar)

Select chat floater type (Full size avatar)

Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

Select one of the prebuilt avatars. Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

The avatar icon is also visible in the chat window

2. Mini avatar

Select chat floater type (Mini avatar)


Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

Select one of the prebuilt avatars. Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

The mini avatar icon is also visible in the chat window

3. Cloud avatar

Select chat floater type (cloud)


Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

Select one of the prebuilt avatars. Select one of the prebuilt avatars.

The avatar icon is also visible in the chat window


Give the expert guru a name. This name will be visible to users in the cloud icon chat floater.

Give the expert guru a name. This name will be visible to users in the cloud icon chat floater. Give the expert guru a name. This name will be visible to users in the cloud icon chat floater.

Chat floater with guru name.

4. Custom Icon
Chat assistant customization

Enable “Enable Personalization” slider.


Based on preferences, select welcome message, pop-up message, Pop-up duration and notification sounds. The pop-up duration is the amount of time after which the chat bot will ring a bell and ask if the user needs assistance using the predefined welcome message.

Chat Icon Positioning

Select one option from the position drop down.


Set the bottom margin and side margin (Side margin is the distance from the side it is closer to. For example, if you choose left as the position then the side margin is distance from the left side of the page)

Set the bottom margin and side margin (Side margin is the distance from the side it is closer to. For example, if you choose left as the position then the side margin is distance from the left side of the page)

Shows a preview of the position of the chat assistant icon on horizontal and vertical devices.

Note: You can hover over the question mark icons to get information as well.

Add suggested questions

Capability to ask the user to choose from the predefined questions.


Enable the suggested questions slider.


Mention one to three predefined questions.   

Mention one to three predefined questions.   

Click submit

Click submit Click submit

Configuration updated successfully

Conversation history page

Conversation history page

Checking conversation history:

Click any of the chats from the list.

Click any of the chats from the list.

Select a chat


A mini window will open where you can read chat history.

A mini window will open where you can read chat history.

View chat history

Note: Chat bot’s messages when “ignore history” is on are in grey message bubbles such as above

Filters and features:

Total number of user interactions.

Total number of user interactions.

Filter the list of conversations on basis of when the last message occurred.

Filter the list of conversations on basis of when the last message occurred.

Hide the GuruGPT avatar card.

Hide the GuruGPT avatar card.

GuruGPT card hidden


Display conversation titles based on selected type (Questions from users/chatbot answers)


Refresh the chat history and get the updated list of conversations.


Filter messages based on type (Questions from users/chatbot answers)

Filter messages based on type (Questions from users/chatbot answers)

Marketing Insights

Conversation driven Ad Campaign

These campaigns are created using the conversation history and automatically triggers on a weekly basis (on Mondays).


Switch social platform style.

Changes the style of the campaign.

Switch social platform style.


Give feedback to the chat bot to improve future responses.


Regenerate campaign

Regenerate campaign

Save campaign as pdf


Change page to see past generated campaigns.

Change page to see past generated campaigns.

Demand driver Ad campaigns

Create a campaign

Select event rom drop down menu


Write the event description


Click “Generate Campaign”

Click “Generate Campaign”

Campaign is being generated.

Campaign is being generated.

Campaign generated successfully.

Campaign generated successfully.