Features for Paid Plans

Features for Paid Plans:

Order Tracking

  • 70% of consumers ranked the ability to track orders as a key factor when buying products online.
  • It is a vital feature for e-commerce businesses as it contributes to customer satisfaction.

Access to Visitors Conversation History

  • Retrieve and review past interactions with visitors.
  • Gain insights into user preferences and needs.

Answer to FAQ’s and Policies related queries

  • FAQ pages can save time, resources, and potential frustration by providing answers to common questions.

Killer Social Media Ad Using Generative AI

  • Generate engaging, personalized ad content.
  • Optimize ad creatives with AI-driven insights.

Product Recommendations

  • Leverage AI to recommend products tailored to individual user preferences.
  • Enhance the visitor's shopping experience with personalized suggestions.

Future Functionality:

Sharing the Answers from ExpertGuru on Social Media (Facebook/Instagram)

  • Allow visitors to easily share system-generated answers on their social media accounts.
  • Increase brand exposure through user-generated content with #ExpertGuru.ai tagging.

Discount Recommendations

  • Provide users with personalized discount and promotion recommendations.
  • Boost sales and customer satisfaction by offering tailored discounts.